Issue 01: Oh to Be a Cow
Issue 01: Oh to Be a Cow
Issue 01 of Her Anthologie “Oh to Be a Cow Resting in the Green” is an exploration of our potential to exist beyond the relentless pressures of modern life, the spiritually oppressive nature of capitalism and the weight of social expectations.
It’s a collection of writing, journal entries and illustrations that confront the world as is – but also creates space to imagine alternative paths to exist in ways that feel more restful, liberating, connected and free.
This zine is about embracing desire, managing existential dread, craving relationship and crafting a future that The Lorax himself would be proud of. It invites us to reimagine our place in society; encouraging us to nurture our individual and collective well-being by reconnecting with the parts of ourselves we’ve been taught to leave behind.
It’s about wanting more and trying to be brave enough to reach for it.
Hand stapled. Written and illustrated by Canadian theorist and artist, Felicia Falconer.
Also comes with 1 complimentary sticker.